Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Did It!

I had my IUD removed today. Aack, I'm fertile again. Part of me is excited, part nervous and part horrified. And I feel a little rebellious because my mom will flip if/when she finds out. Why at 39 am I STILL afraid of my mother's reaction? Ugh.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Supplies...Part One:Incubator

We bought an incubator. It is on our supply list, a lengthy one at at that. I'm hoping to pick up a few more things that we'll need for our attempt. I so hope it works. As much as I want a girl, after 6 months of BFNs, I will forgo the EGS techniques and just try for a baby with hopes those 50/50 odds work in our favor.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

It is 2009! Where did all the time go so quickly? Sarah will be 19 this year and if we do conceive another girl, they could be nearly 20 years apart in age. I was 20 when I had Sarah! Crazy. Dh and I are gearing up to start ttc soon, probably in March or April. We are taking he boys to Disneyland for Spring Break and will be going forward with ttc after that. I bought some cranberry supplements the other day, the first of many things to get for our EGS (Extreme Gender Swaying) attempt. I'll shop for more this weekend. Today we are just having a lazy New Year's Day at home, having eaten hot fudge sundaes for breakfast...that's living!!